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UpsnDowns Inclusive Education

UpsnDowns are passionate about ensuring that education for all our children is fully inclusive. We are proud to be to offer fully funded free educational training opportunities to all schools in Northamptonshire where our children attend. We run training days and sessions at least twice a year or when required.

In addition, we offer fund matching to all our schools up to a total value of £400. This is specifically to purchase specialist resources to support our children with their learning.

UpsnDowns has a dedicated education training coordinator (Tracey Smith) who is responsible for organising courses for teaching and non-teaching staff from pre-school through to secondary school level. She also organises training courses for parents and carers to help meet the additional support needs of children with Down’s syndrome.

Training Courses Funded by UpsnDowns

DSA (Down’s Syndrome Association) Training

Supporting the learning profile of children with Down’s syndrome in school.

This training can also include strategies to support for children with a dual diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  

Managing Behaviour and Social Skills

SPOT training - Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy  

Techniques and resources to help equip teaching staff with strategies to ensure that all children reach their full potential and can access all aspects of the school curriculum.

Sensory training for parents and schools (Julie Gilmore)

Focusing on sensory diets and behaviours, helping to manage sensory needs and integrate specific practical activities into daily life.

Inclusively Down

Teacher training that covers reading, writing, social skills, inclusion, learning profiles, differentiation and behaviours.

We know from the incredible feedback we receive that the training UpsnDowns offers is invaluable. We are continually looking at other training programmes on offer and will consider all suggestions put forward from teachers/parents/members for future training ideas.

Click here  to get in touch with us for more information on Training.
