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Celebrating our children’s lives through their achievements.


Educating parents, teachers, medical professionals and the wider community about Down’s Syndrome, busting myths, changing perceptions, promoting inclusion and raising awareness.


Supporting our children and their families. Helping them to flourish and reach their potential.


Your donations help us continue to provide fantastic services that benefit our children and families.

Your generous donations help us to continue providing fantastic services to our UpsnDowns members!
Please make a donation today!

Our Stories

My wife Leanne and I found out at our 12-week scan that there was a problem with our baby, the nuchal translucency measurement which measures the fluid space at the back of the neck...

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Olivia is the fourth child of mine, born in Bath Somerset in 2012. She is six years old and has two older sisters and one older brother.  We knew before Olivia was born that she had Down’s syndrome...

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This is the story of Rory’s journey so far through primary school – the challenges he has faced, his hard work and subsequent achievements which we have all celebrated along the way...

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Hi, my name is Tayla, I am 9 years old.  I had a bit of a tricky start. When I was in my mum's tummy, the doctors said I had a heart condition called Complete AVSD - holes in my heart...

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Kim and I had Izzy in August 2010, a perfectly normal, if a tad chaotic, home birth in Woodford, Northants. An hour later, Izzy started deteriorating and we sped off to Kettering General Hospital.

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We were so excited to be having our first child together and Jacob arrived on 15th December 2010 -  2 and half weeks early!  Jacob was the cutest little thing and we were proud parents...

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Nicole’s pregnancy with Oliver was normal; we had all of the tests apart form the nuchal translucency screen as the hospital took forever to get us a scan and we missed out by a couple of days...

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Like every hot-blooded Italian worth his salt I burst into this world following a spicy bowl of spaghetti (enjoyed by my mother) and a high speed car chase involving the police to the hospital...

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We were told that our baby had Talipes of the right foot and all I could think about was how it would affect my childs growth and the possible ridiculing that my baby would receive whilst growing up...

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We worried our way through the pregnancy and had more scans than anyone else we knew – including a 3D one in which we saw our perfect looking baby boy...

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Dylan has Down’s syndrome, although we prefer to use the term “Up” syndrome as there has been no point since Dylan’s arrival that we have felt  “down”...

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